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Christmas Puppies & A New Brindle Litter

Writer: Pepper's PomeraniansPepper's Pomeranians

First announcement of the New Year!

We have two new litters, one born December 24th and the other born January 10th!

The first litter is by Penny and DJ. They gave us 5 beautiful pups, 2 girls and 3 boys.

Pepper's Holly Jolly Christmas - "Holly"

Chocolate and tan female

Pepper's Rockin Around The Christmas Tree - "Rocky"

Black and tan male

Pepper's We Wish You A Merry Christmas - "Merry"

Black and tan male

Pepper's Blue Christmas - "Blue"

Black and tan male

Pepper's Carol of the Bells - "Belle"

Black and tan female

Such little blessings! They are going to be 3 weeks old this week and we will have new photos soon. The second litter to announce is by Ember and Malakai. They gave us 4 gorgeous girls! This is our Beatles litter but we are thinking with all the Beatles songs, we may need a part two..

Pepper's Magical Mystery Tour - "Myst"

Blue brindle or sable we can't tell yet!

Pepper's Dear Prudence - "Pru"

Chocolate brindle

Pepper's Blackbird - "Bird"

Black brindle

Pepper's Strawberry Fields Forever - "Berry"

Lavendar brindle or sable, we can't tell yet!

We are still expecting Lacey to deliver in about a week and she gave us 3 partis from the same pairing last time. We are super excited to see what they give us this time and we just may need to continue the Beatles themed names!

That's all for now!



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